Medium-term Management Plan
Medium-Term Management Plan “3・D”
We at Ichiyoshi Securities Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), over 20 years, have proceeded with the transformation of the Company from “Flow-Type Business Model” chiefly based on brokerage commissions to customer-focused “Stock-Type Business Model” (asset-accumulation type business model) chiefly based on investment trust fees and wrap-account fees. In order to further accelerate the transformation to “Stock-Type Business Model”, we have formulated a new Medium-Term Management Plan “3・D” with its target date set for the end of March 2026.
3 of “3・D” represents 3 trillion yen of customers’ assets in custody targeted in the new management plan and D stands for the doubling of the sum of the outstanding balances of investment trust funds and fund wraps similarly targeted.
- Numerical targets in “3・D”:
Customers’ assets in custody: 3 trillion yen
Cost-coverage ratio: 70%*
ROE: Approximately 10%*Ratio at which the sum of investment trust fees and wrap-account fees covers selling, general and administrative expenses
- Period for “3・D”: 3 years from April 2023 to March 2026