
Based on the actions we have taken since our founding and on the ideas formed by the compilation of the actions in the “Ichiyoshi Credo,” we are taking action to address issues for a range of stakeholders through our securities business, and working to continually improve corporate value.
In order to further strengthen these efforts, we have formulated the “Basic Policy for Sustainability” as our fundamental approach to contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society.

Basic Policy for Sustainability

Based on the “Ichiyoshi Credo,” we will address various issues facing the environment, society, and local communities, and contribute to further development in these areas, in order to achieve continual growth in the financial industry, construct a more robust business model, and improve corporate value.

Important Issues(materiality)

Among the issues that exist not only at our company but also in broader society, we have identified those issues we should address as key issues (materiality).
We will manage the progress the actions taken in order to resolve these issues and make periodical reviews thereof.

For Our Employees
  • ・Expansion of a corporate culture that promotes employee motivation, and strengthening of engagement
  • ・Promoting the development of human resources who can adapt to changes in the times, and strengthening employee training
  • ・Creating comfortable workplaces with consideration for gender
  • ・Construction of a personnel and salary system with consideration for diverse working styles
For Our Customers
  • ・Advancement of the stock-type business model focused on expanding assets under custody through medium- and long-term diversified investments
  • ・Strengthening of research capabilities, asset management capabilities, and advice capabilities that can satisfy the unique orders of the customers
  • ・Strengthening services and digitalization that contribute to improving customer convenience
For Our Shareholders
  • ・Maintaining and improving a governance system that is highly effective and transparent
  • ・Effectively utilizing capital and implementing returns to shareholders
  • ・Construction of an approach to prevent acts that violate professional ethics or compliance
  • ・Strengthening risk management including regard to climate change
For Society
  • ・Strengthening action for reducing CO2 emissions
  • ・Strengthening programs that contribute to local communities
  • ・Contributing to improving financial literacy
  • ・Development and sales of products that contribute to SDGs

Programs to address climate change

“Strengthening action for reducing CO2 emissions” has been identified as a materiality that must be addressed by the company, and we intend to contribute as a member of a society that is working to address climate change.

TCFD_logo In light of the importance of climate-related financial disclosures that communicate these efforts within and outside the company, we have joined the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and are working to expand disclosure of information based on it.

As a result of referring to multiple climate change forecast models and checking the effects that climate change will have on our approach to sustainability and our business model, we have predicted risks related to the transition to a low-carbon company and physical risks resulting from climate change. However we have concluded that these will not have a major effect on our company’s business. We will continue monitoring in order to regularly check for changes in the conditions.

Amount of GHG emissions (Unit: t-CO2)


(Note) The calculation covers the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries. Dormitories for employees are excluded.

Examples of Social Contribution Activities

For the past 20 years, Ichiyoshi Securities has been engaged in a wide range of social contribution activities.


In February 1996, a major earthquake measuring 7 on the Richter scale hit Yunnan Province in China, causing much damage. The damage was especially severe in Zhongdian County, Yunnan Province, where many wooden elementary school buildings collapsed.

At that time, we sent a donation to build a concrete school building and teacher's quarters on a 1,000 m2 site. We also donated a set of stationery such as notebooks and pencils to commemorate the opening of the school. The school kindly added the word "Ichiyoshi" to the name of the newly built school as a sign of friendship, and the children resumed their eagerly awaited classes.

Our company's activities for contributing to society started here.

External evaluation of our efforts on ESG and SDGs

  • FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

    Beginning in 2023 we became a stock that utilizes the ESG index called the “FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index.” This index was created in order to reflect the performance of Japanese corporations that have enacted relatively superior environmental, social, and governance (ESG) measures in each sector.

    * As a result of its third-party investigation, FTSE Russell (registered trademark of FTSE International Limited and the Frank Russell Company) found that Ichiyoshi Securities Co., Ltd. satisfied the requirements for inclusion in the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index, and certified Ichiyoshi stock as being a component stock of that index. The FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index is widely used in creating and evaluating sustainable investment funds and other financial products.

  • Eruboshi_logo

    In 2021 we received the highest level of “Eruboshi” certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Eruboshi certification is a system that recognizes companies that fulfill certain standards and have superior programs for promoting the active participation of women.

  • HealthyCompanyDeclaration_logo

    We are participating in the “Healthy Company Declaration” organized by the Tokyo Securities Industry Health Insurance Society, with the company and all employees working together to promote good health. We have cleared the achievement standards for the prescribed 18 items in seven areas, and received “Silver Certification” as a superior health-oriented company (Health Silver Certification No. 599).

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